English Skill Development 2022 was held on Tuesday, 17 May 2022 at Arief Mustaqiem hall, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. This event was one of HMPS TBI’s events that has aim to To nurture talents, interests, and creativity of students while also honing their soft skills.


The English Skill Development 2022 event is led by sister Arwa Forhana, with sister Achfina Jannah as the secretary and sister Ling Ling Aisiril Muroddah as the treasurer. The theme is Unlock Your Potential and be The Best English Department Student, which means this event serves as a means to unleash the potential of English Language Teaching students so that they can become the best in their field. This event is intended to facilitate students in honing and developing their potential, interests, talents, abilities, and creativity.


This event starts with an opening ceremony and speeches, followed by a speech competition by participants, then an ice-breaking session, and ends with a closing. This series of events is organized by the committee together with students from the English Language Teaching program in semesters 2, 4, and 6. It is attended by the English Language Teaching coordinator, the Language Department head, and representatives from the Student Association of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.


The hope for this event is that the students can apply the knowledge that has been obtained from it and the brotherhood between students remains established.