On Sunday, April 17,2022, HMPS TBI held “Bakti Sosial” at the Yayasan Anak Yatim and Dhuafa At-Taqwa in Kalidawir, Tulungagung. The social service activity that was carried out included providing assistance to orphans, the poor, and having an iftar together, with the aim of shaping students who are always grateful and have a spirit of sharing with others. The Social Service activity of HMPS TBI 2022 was led by brother Iqbal Izzan Aziz, with sister Vina Azzahrotul Lathifah as the secretary, and sister Alvin Khoiru Rohmatin as the treasurer. The theme was “Create a Smile to be a Light for Each Other” meaning that this activity was intended for all members of HMPS TBI 2022 to have a sense of sharing among humans and to pay extra attention to orphans, who definitely need the care that they may not receive from their parents like other children their age. The event started with fun games, an opening ceremony, assistance, a religious talk, and prayers.